The Essential Online Marketing Toolkit For 2013 And Beyond
A One-Day Event For Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers Only
The Short Version Of What This Is All About
Jay Fleischman and Cathy Moran are giving a one-day workshop in Pasadena, CA on December 8, 2012 for a limited number of smart consumer bankruptcy lawyers who want to learn how to build or improve their online marketing presence. You don’t need to miss a day of work because it’s on a Saturday. You’ll get a bunch of “how to” stuff, not theory.
If you’ve got an existing web presence that’s underperforming, or if you’ve a total web newbie, then this program is for you. It’s designed to give you the tools you need to compete in the online space, tackle the deep-pocketed competition, and break free from companies that charge thousands of dollars for a canned web presence.
Learn How To Get More Clients And Improve Profitability Even When Filings Are Plummeting – Without Spending A Ton Of Money
Your online marketing is something that can’t be delegated to an outside consultant, because nobody cares more about your practice than you and your staff members. The good news, however, is that the skills you need to know can be taught easily and quickly.
On December 8, 2012 Jay Fleischman and Cathy Moran will join forces in Pasadena, California for the one-day Bankruptcy Practice Workshop, an intensive live educational experience that happens to suffer from an exceptionally boring name. We’ll begin at 8:00am and end at 6:00pm.
Here’s your agenda
- Elements Of A Successful Online Presence: What’s Important, What’s Fluff, And Where To Focus Your Efforts
- Search Engine Optimization: How does Google rank your site, and what are the tweaks you can implement to gain an advantage.
- Fast Track Content Creation: Quick Start Ideas To Get You Off The Dime And Into The Content Creation Arena
- From Around Here: How to optimize your site for local search
- Analytics For Beginners: Looking at your website traffic to find the hidden gems of search engine optimization and what’s working on your site.
What You Won’t Get
This is a one-day program designed to deliver the information and tools you need to make a greater impact in your online marketing efforts. What you learn on Saturday you can begin to implement on Monday morning – even sooner if you work on Sundays.
That said, we are not going to deliver any magic bullets. This takes hard work, time and effort to see results. But if you don’t take action now, you’ll never get anywhere.
We’re not going to be doing lengthy tutorials on website design and coding. We’re bankruptcy lawyers, not computer science graduates.
But if you’re a consumer bankruptcy lawyer who wants to learn what’s currently important online then you need to be here with us.
About Your Coaches
Cathy Moran is a board-certified consumer bankruptcy lawyer, nationally-recognized speaker and teacher. She’s practiced bankruptcy law for over 30 years, currently serving as the Northern California chair of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys. She’s a co-founder and past Vice President of Bankruptcy Law Network, the leading information portal on consumer bankruptcy.
Jay Fleischman is a consumer bankruptcy lawyer, nationally-known speaker and legal marketing expert. He’s practiced bankruptcy law for over 15 years and currently serves as the New York co-chair of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys. He’s a co-founder and past President of Bankruptcy Law Network, the leading information portal on consumer bankruptcy.
These are two bankruptcy lawyers who know their stuff, and have a proven track record of teaching bankruptcy lawyers how to be more successful.
How Much It Costs, And What You Get
If you’ve ever gone to a bankruptcy-related seminar you know how much it costs. In fact, the typical 2-day seminar can run as much as $2,500 or more once you factor in the costs of airfare, hotel, transportation, and time away from the office.
That’s why we’ve made this as affordable as a single Chapter 7 case. You’ll pay only $495 for the full program. That includes breakfast, lunch and all materials. It also includes enough knowledge and information to help you recover your costs pretty quickly – if you’re willing to put in the work.
Attendance Is Limited

The event will be held at the Courtyard Los Angeles Pasadena/Old Town, centrally located just a few blocks from Colorado Avenue, restaurants, nightlife and shopping.
The room we rented at the Courtyard Los Angeles Pasadena/Old Town has a limited capacity. That means you’ll be able to get your questions answered and share ideas with everyone else – without having to battle crowds and sit in a huge auditorium.
We’ll take questions, tackle real-world issues, and help you solve your pressing problems.
You’ll leave with materials and form letters, but you’ll also exit with solutions. From there, it’s up to you to get the hard work of implementation done. But if you’re serious about changing the face of your practice and surviving the crash of the bankruptcy market, you need to come to Dallas.
We hope you can join us.
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